Hornby Drama Group
Amateur theatre in the Lune Valley
Our Next Production
'Labour Pains' - a comedy about a wife due to give birth and the arrival of the two mothers and an eccentric auntie!
The play has been cast and rehearsals are underway- but we always need help with non-acting roles if you'd like to be involved?
We rehearse at Hornby Institute, Wednesdays at 7.30pm
Get in touch using the Contact Us form on this website if you'd like to be involved.
Perfromance dates: Friday 20th & Saturday 21st September.
Ticket prices: £8 adults, £4 children and £20 for a family ticket (2 adults with 2+ children).
Join us
Would you like to act, or help backstage? Why not come along and meet us?
About us....
New members always welcome!
We rehearse at Hornby Institute, Wednesdays at 7.30pm
We're a long-established amateur drama group. We stage shows on the well-equipped stage at Hornby Institute in Hornby, near Lancaster.
We're a friendly team and a warm welcome always awaits new members.
Aged from 8 to 80 - no experience is necessary. In addition to actors, we're always looking for people to help with off-stage activities such as directing, set-building, prompting, props, lighting & sound and front of house.
Contact Us
Please email Sylvia, or telephone for an initial chat
Explore our previous shows - from 1939 onwards!
Documents & Policies
Constitution as revised in March 2024.
Child Protection Policy
Child Protection Policy - Approved March 2024
Risk Assessments
© 2019